So I am working with a beta reader for the new Fantasy book I am writing called “The Seer of Grace and Fire.” I had written previously a post on editing and one on beta readers, but now having actually worked with a beta reader on the first few chapters I have some different insights into the process which I wanted to share.
So when I started the grydscaen series I did not want anyone messing with my idea. For this fantasy novel I wanted to try something different because this was a new genre for me. I am used to writing science fiction so fantasy is a little different.
Working on chapter 3 with the beta takes about 2 weeks for each chapter and you are reliant on the timing that the beta has available. The fear I had about the beta wanting to change too many things has been assuaged. Now for the first chapter of The Seer I had three different beta readers which all liked the start of the story. After that initial input I knew that I was going in the right direction which was reassuring. The beta reader that decided to help with the entire manuscript had done this before and was a writer themselves. This was good to know so that I was getting someone who was familiar with the process because this was a learning experience for me.
So far the main thing I have a problem with is POV and omniscient point of view switches. What I learned is that if the POV character can’t see the other character because they are doing something out of view or behind their back then that action doesn’t exist. I tend to switch POV sometimes or come from an omniscient place. The beta helped me to solidify the intent so I was able to work on this for later chapters. The beta seemed familiar with my voice and provided suggestions that I could either accept or not.
I wrote 13 chapters of the story on a roll and then had to go on a business trip so that stopped the progression. I am currently working on chapter 3 with the beta. I will have to go back and read the whole thing to get working again and finish the story.
Some of the omniscient stuff I had to cut due to the POV switch and I was able to confirm another plot point that will change the perspective of one of the characters once something is revealed.
I had received feedback from one of the professional reviewers that grydscaen: tribute was a strong book but could be a masterpiece with a good edit. I wanted to try out the whole beta reader concept due to this feedback. I will use the beta reader for The Seer but not for grydscaen, this is a personal preference. I think working with the beta is fine but the writing process seems to take a lot longer this way which I am not used to.
Mostly the beta is helping me with the minute details. So far the story has not changed just become more refined with those little details that make a character’s personality stand out.
For example, Timorn, the Ranger got a little more aggressive in his actions using the actions and the dialogue I originally wrote. I find the beta is not changing the dialogue. Also little things like Kabal the cleric’s ink stains on the cinqture around his waist or the tattered edges of his robe that he steps on which was my original concept helps to bring the character’s personality out.
I also had a little bit of an issue with understanding show don’t tell. I still don’t think I totally understand that fully yet. I know I have heard that before. I know I have a good story with The Seer and my dialogue and concept are strong. The beta is just helping me refine the details.
All in all this has been a pleasurable experience. I think with all the work put into The Seer I am going to want to publish this book next though I still have to finish the manuscript and it will take some time to beta all the chapters. And I need to draw a complex cover illustration which I already have a concept for but am wondering if I can actually pull off with my drawing ability.
So for now we enjoy the process as we go. I am already making changes to chapter 4 before we get to the beta. I like learning new things in the writing process. So this is definitely new as I don’t like to have to answer to anyone when it comes to my writing. I had to quell that angst to accept working with a beta but the one I have been working with now is not out to change me as a writer just help to make me the best writer I can be. I will be glad to see the final product from the original draft to what it will become. This is a good learning experience. And I have grown as a writer just from these few beta’d chapters.
So beta is good. I think I have been convinced. I am definitely a believer now.