Title: Grydscaen: Dark Series: Grydscaen Author: Natsuya Uesugi Genre: Dystopian, Cyberpunk, Science Fiction, Suspense Length: Novel (268pgs) Publisher: Pageturner, Press and Media (June 25, 2018) Heat Level: Moderate Heart Rating: ♥♥♥♥ 4 Hearts Review By: MM Good Book Reviews Blurb: A clandestine meet occurs in the Echelons under cover of darkness where Top Secret intel on the stock market changes hands. The insider tip gets the gothic hacker Jester engaged in a high tech game. Parliament votes to lower harsh stock market regulations fueling the Corporation’s…..
What next for grydscaen? So we are finally working on the last grydscaen book in the main series entitled grydscaen: scout. This book is part of the Techno Thriller series featuring Rom the teenage homeless Level 9 hacktivist for the Packrats. The story features Rom, Jester, Faid, Jazz and Raven the main characters we encountered in grydscaen: dark. grydscaen: scout is the sequel to grydsacen: dark and picks up where that story left off. grydscaen: scout includes a twist that readers will…..
New grydscaen Short Story in the Works A new short story in the grydscaen universe is in planning which will feature the homeless teen hacker Rom in the Echelons slums in the Pacific Territories. This story will focus on the threats of pollution on the environment and on people’s health. With the chemical industry and big pharma pumping more chemicals into the air, the threat of coal and oil pollution, the attacks on EPA standards, drug companies, fragrence free workplaces…..
Cover Reveal – grydscaen: union We are excited to reveal the cover to grydscaen: union, volume 8 in the grydsacen series, featuring artwork by Natsuya Uesugi. The cover features the pilot Nathaneal Barjan who has a big part in the space opera story arc that takes place on the Pacific Territories La Paz space station with the 8th space fleet. Drawn traditionally and coloured digitally, the cover features Nathaneal in the cockpit of his Quadrion Isshin mobile frame, the high…..
The next grydscaen book is called grydscaen: atonement and tells the story of Gloughster Illian after the epic Convergence which affected Lino Dejarre and the Pacific Territories. When is atonement coming out? grydscaen: atonement will be out by 2/8/2019 and available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and many other online sites. About writing grydscaen: atonement Of all the grydscaen books, this one was hard to write as it has a space in a transition-like place between the battleship Escalon arc that ended…..
November brings a new book in the grydscaen series entitled grydscaen: metropolis. We are hard at work trying to get the book ready for release on November 30 and we can’t wait to have it out for readers to enjoy. I wanted to talk a little about the process of writing metropolis today and give you a bit of a teaser of the ware game Silence which is prominent in the story to get your jazzed for the release. Are…..
about the grydscaen: dark concept project The latest novel in the grydscaen series entitled grydscaen: dark has a new project happening. Working with a fabulous artist who is bringing the dark characters to life we are looking to have concept art for all the main characters in grydscaen: dark from the gothic Jester, and techno fetishist Jazz, to Faid the Packrat hacker leader, Raven the Psi Faction government operative, and finally Rom, the teenage Level 9 hacker. With three more…..
Cover Reveal for the new cyberpunk novel, grydscaen: dark. Hackers Unite. Hack Till You’re Dead. I can’t tell you how excited I am to release grydscaen: dark to the world. The 266 page book was published on 25 June, 2018 and is a techno thrill ride through hackers infiltrating the stock market and attacking the Elite government. We are currently running a blog tour which I hope will help to get some exposure for the series and highlight Rom the…..
Chapter 1: Dot Hack Stock (Excerpt) “Not here. Hide the data till we are off the street. This way,” Toapfyl hurriedly motioned to the data messenger in the blue military coat, dark cargo pants and combat boots who followed him off the sidewalk and down another alley. He was wearing the typical garb for a data messenger which made Toapfyl comfortable when he met the stranger in the alley leaning against the wall, easily identifiable. Toapfyl, a Level 3 hacker,…..
“grydscaen: dark” chapter draft by Natsuya Uesugi. ARC excerpt. © 2018 Natsuya Uesugi. Wanted to share the first chapter of “grydscaen: dark,” the new dystopian cyberpunk, tech noir thriller I am writing. This is the final version of chapter 1 and I wanted to get any feedback if readers are so inclined. Take a read for free. #hackersunite #hacktillyouredead Chapter 1: Dot Hack Stock “Not here. Hide the data till we are off the street. This way,” Toapfyl hurriedly motioned…..