So I wanted to start a serial segment on writing, like my segment on making manga and the Friday segment Packrat Underground. So here we go. I have been watching some Writer Podcasts recently regarding marketing, editing, running a writer business and self publishing. I was revisiting grydscaen: tribute as I think about getting the book professionally edited or farming it out to beta readers. I don’t have beta readers at this point and I don’t know really how to…..
This is Rom from the Packrat Sprawl coming to you live and direct from the underground under the Broad Street subway station in the City. It is illegal for me to be in the City because I am not a citizen but that would not stop me from coming to you today. We have never had a Packrat Underground episode from the City before when I have been on a run alone. We are here today smuggling some data out…..
I wanted to talk about cover design for the grydscaen series today. As a writer mainly I went to art school to study animation and game design which allowed me to focus directly on character designs and animation for grydscaen. There were a few character sketches, storyboards, animations and backgrounds, as well as 3D art done for grydscaen. This was why I went to get a better grasp on my art work. I do all the cover art and interior…..
Today we will talk about scene blocking in our making manga series. We were talking about graphic noise before but I want to focus on the new manga that I am working on for the grydscaen short story Rogue. We are currently working on the cover art for the Rogue manga which is set to be longer than 48 pages. The scene below is from the manga A Storm’s Coming. It focuses on Rom panhandling and an interaction with the…..
I wanted to talk a little about character design from the grydscaen anime “A Storm’s Coming” using a scene from the anime trailer. The two characters in the first trailer are Rom, the homeless teen with psychic power and Xander Storm, the Zone Police officer. In designing the anime we did character sketches working with the production company. The scene below is Rom panhandling in front of the Tram eatery in the Red Light District of the Echelons in Haven…..
So we have a new book in the works entitled “trans-sub-consternation” which is a young adult (YA) novel about a transgender protagonist. The manuscript is almost finished. I wrote the book on a dare from a former coworker who thought me writing about being trans would help people. Now, in no way did I think my life story would help someone but I gave it a whirl. In college when I was 16 and a Freshman, I did not know…..
The Internet is a tool unmatched for psychological warfare. Information, disinformation, propaganda and counter propaganda can be lodged like missiles over the Internet in seconds and resonate around the world. With the popularity of the Internet many people are getting their news from those channels including Facebook and Twitter. Posting disinformation can change how people perceive an event. There have even been affects to the stock market based on information on the Internet. These perceived sets of information can cause…..
With the release of the grydscaen: alliance book trailer, I wanted to give readers a chance to pick up a copy of the third volume in the series. The first 5 players will get a chance to win a copy of the grydscaen: alliance ebook. Just watch the grydscaen: alliance book trailer and you are on your way. grydscaen: alliance features Faid the leader of the Packrat hackers and Set who becomes the interim leader when Faid is hurt. Learn more about…..
So grydscaen is an indie published book series. I work with an indie publisher and I also publish short stories from the series using Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing. So I wanted to talk a little about both of those processes for a moment. Lets start with grydscaen: insurrection which was the last book published. I type the manuscript using MS Word and give it some formatting with margins and chapter headings as well as informational pages and a dedication. I…..
Professional gaming is a big deal these days. There are eSports teams that fight for world champions in virtual gaming or battle games. grydscaen talks about gaming in a virtual world starting in grydscaen: tribute. eSports teams include trainers, coaches and teams as well as sponsorship like regular sports teams, there are tournaments, fans and you can even make a living doing it. In grydscaen: tribute in the short story Simulatrix there is a social media game called iNax Simulation…..