“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. grydscaen: darkness – episode 9 Dragging himself down the tunnel, Rom’s shuffled his feet, energy waning. The deep cut at his side leaving a trail of bloody footsteps as he walked. His breathing labored, he kept pushing forward. He…..
are you an artist or a writer? So as most of you know, I am a writer first and a manga artist and illustrator second. I can write in my sleep. Writing comes easy. It is the art that I find difficult. When I created the two graphic noiz manga it was both impossible and a labour of love and it was fracking hard. When I completed the 48 page graphic noiz manga 1 that was a feat but when…..
The Editing Process: Second Chances So I just started working on editing grydscaen: retribution which in its first edition was released in 2010 as the first book published in the grydscaen series. Where reviewers said it was well written for a first time author and the story was intriguing, it had punctuation problems which one reviewer set “while well written, punctuation detracts from the prose…” At the time this was my first novel, my baby, the one book that I…..
about the grydscaen: dark concept project The latest novel in the grydscaen series entitled grydscaen: dark has a new project happening. Working with a fabulous artist who is bringing the dark characters to life we are looking to have concept art for all the main characters in grydscaen: dark from the gothic Jester, and techno fetishist Jazz, to Faid the Packrat hacker leader, Raven the Psi Faction government operative, and finally Rom, the teenage Level 9 hacker. With three more…..
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. darkness – episode 8 Faid sat at the Packrat Sprawl in the Acolyte Forward Base. Rom was in there with him. It was late, Acolyte had already gone to bed. There was only one Acolyte hacker awake at this…..
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. grydscaen: darkness – episode 7 Faid was with his lead George Shimazuri, they were at a host bar in the City, George having sponsored Faid in for the night. The establishment they were at was luxurious. A silent auction…..
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. darkness – episode 6 Raven sat at the cyber cafe in the underground subway station at the Astor South stop in the Echelons. People were milling about, rush hour at its height. It was busy in the terminal. He…..
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. Raven pulled the hood of his black sweatshirt up over his head covering his hair holding it close. The harsh breeze laced with fallout whipped around the corner and pushed against him as he ran down the street in…..
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. grydscaen: darkness – episode 4 Rom climbed over the barbed wire fence at the back of the alleyway, his fingers cut on the wire pointed tips as he pushed it apart to access a rung he could hold onto……
“darkness” is a web series based on the novel grydscaen: dark. It follows the characters and the storyline after grydscaen: dark ends. This web series will run for a few weeks and post on the grydscaen blog. copyright (c) 2018 natsuya uesugi. Faid lingered outside The Hole X-rated magazine shop. Patrons were coming in and out wanting to get a glimpse of the porn magazines lining the walls and check out the hosts who worked out of the shop off…..