grydscaenRPG game tokens have just arrived. These are the game pieces along with the cards that make up the main portion of the game.
Tokens include
Token-based Game Play:
Collect Virus tokens to help infiltrate the Corporation’s servers to plant SQL injects on websites, insert keylogging software to get key strokes and install malware/fake websites to get worker passwords, IDs and sensitive information to help you hack into the Elite government mainframe. Get the correct number of virus tokens and play them all on the same attack to infiltrate the first level of defense surrounding the defense indepth cyber security apparatus around the Elite government mainframe.
Collect credit tokens to pay for psi inducer drugs, hire data messengers, hire hackers, procure pin drives with Top Secret data, steal IDs and passwords, purchase hacking apps like the Packrat designed Mole system, get Script Kiddie code, and obtain lockpicking tools.
Collect reputation tokens to get other hackers and data messengers to work with you without paying for it based on the strength of your reputation. Or bribe a minister into giving you Top Secret government data to help in your hacks if you have enough reputation points. Enough reputation points will get you past the guard if you get the “Elite Government Mainframe Room” card where the Elite mainframe is kept under the palace in the City.
Roll the red die as the opponent to get cards to enhance your countermeasures and stop the hackers.
Roll the black die as the hacker and get cards for tools and apps to increase your hacking abilities.
Toying with an optional game board at this time but might cause packaging problems.
Next Steps: Going to the printer Monday to get the initial character cards printed. Should take a few days for galleys and then we will have the first batch of cards in a week and a half.
Opponent Cards in the Design Phase
The next booster pack of cards will be the 6 Major Arcana Opponent cards. I will start drawing these soon and want to have them available by early 2017. The cards so far as planned are:
The “Mr. Stuart” card which is supposed to be an opponent card flips when played against a “Lino Dejarre” card giving Lino an additional attack on a turn. This play is due to Lino being the Emperor and will negate the Mr. Stuart card and cause the opponent to have to seek assistance from another opponent to keep in the game. This is an advantage to the Lino card.
“The Triumverate” opponent card is the highest skilled opponent card (based on the 4 stats) because it includes Zoon (Head of the Psi Faction), Zeto (Head of the Zone Police) and ZenZen (Head of the Corporation) who are leaders of the Elite government which rules of the City, the Echelons ad the Zone in the Pacific Territories. If The Triumverate card is played with “The Zone Police” card and the “Gailen Allred” card procured in dice roll game play along with the Suit helper card “Hacker Identity Revealed” then the hacker loses the game.
The opponent cards are currently in the process of draft sketching and design. These cards may be black and white unless we can get the funding to colour them at this time.
Making Game Dynamics:
I have had a discussion with a professional game tester and a Ph’D Mathematician regarding chaos theory for the grydscaen RPG game. The dynamics of game play have been checked and we seem to be on the right track. We may have additional cards more than the 78 for a traditional Tarot Deck. This will be based on the game tests of the initial dynamics when we get into the play testing. The game play includes the hackers and the opponents adding up their 4 stats (Hardware, Network, Social Engineering, Intrusion) to come up with the ability/strength number. By pairing this with other Suit helper cards and traps the opponent or the hacker can gain enough points to try to hack into the Elite government mainframe. If the opponent has enough points to counter the hacker on their ultimate attack on the mainframe, the hacker loses. If the hacker has enough points to infiltrate the mainframe and can get in the room and execute the hack, then the hacker will win.
Since we are still designing the cards I have not come up with the ultimate point number and card combinations that are needed to do the final hack. This is still being designed and I will run the numbers past the mathematician so we can see that this works in play.
More on the RPG game is coming soon. Check back for more details as the game design continues.
grydscaenRPG Let’s play!