Cover Reveal and Teaser I am so happy to reveal the cover to graphic noiz 4, the fourth book in the graphic noiz yaoi novella series. This cover features the amateur manga artist Noiz being persuaded by the bestselling author Shiro Ijima to escape the social trappings of New York City with him and come to Scarsdale to visit his childhood home on vacation for a week. graphic noiz 4 is a full length novel, unlike the other books in…..
Tell me what’s new with graphic noiz I was working on the graphic noiz manga 2 (which I still have 30 pages of lineart to draw) and I got this spark of inspiration all of a sudden and had to put that aside for a moment and start writing the novella series again. Well, I have been writing for the last 2 days and we are already at a 65 page manuscript for graphic noiz 4. The story with Shiro…..
So I wanted to talk about manga today as I have 32 pages lineart done for graphic noiz manga 2. I wanted to talk about yaoi today as there are various heat levels in the genre. Now I have written about me not writing romance and again I will reiterate, I will not write romance but that does not stop me from writing a yaoi manga. This may be semantics but it means something to me. There is no happily…..
For our making manga series today, we are talking about character pairing and sketching. One of the first drawings for the manga graphic noise was an image of Shiro Ijima, the best selling scifi author of the Fissure series and the indie manga artist Noiz with his manga Disaster Code (on the left). Before we could think about a cover or the character sketches we had to get the basic idea down for Shiro and Noiz. I wanted Shiro to…..